Garment Manufacturing
Voia Fashion
Voia Fashion is an experienced garment manufacturer and a trusted supplier for numerous satisfied fashion customers. Our expertise focuses in garment manufacturing for fashion outerwear, sports outerwear and knitwear.
With our privately-owned garment manufacturing facilities and an extensive network of supply chain partners, we meet the diverse needs of our global customers.
Principles of Our Work
We strive to give our clients a thorough level of customer service. Each client will get its own team working for them consisting of merchandisers, fabric and accessory technicians as well as purchasing personnel.
Competitive Advantages

- Experienced production department
- High-quality customer service
- Quick turnaround times
- Automation

- Sourcing
- Product Development
- Production
- Fast shipping

- CADs & Tech packs
- Digital patterns
- Fittings
- Grading

- Markers
- Sourcing
- Production
- Experienced Logistics
As a leading manufacturer, we go the extra mile to offer our customers innovative ideas. All of our production is achieved using environment friendly processes.
Strict control on every aspect of quality from fabric testing to garment inspection and every movement in between, carried out by dedicated staff members with vast experience in their respective fields.
This is the way we make sure that our product meets the customer’s expectations, by controlling each stage of the production process.

Procuring raw materials from select/regular/dedicated suppliers makes it possible for us to control costs, maintain deliveries and stay competitive.
Contact details
Central Warehouse: 41.50647, 23.28035 улица Вела Пеева, 2814 Novo Delchevo, Bulgaria
Voyager Fashion: 79, 17 Noemvriou Str., Pilea, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +359 738 82052 | Fax +359 738 82053
Проект: BG16RFOP002-2.077-0970-C01 "Подкрепа за средни предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19"
Главна цел: Осигуряване на оперативен капитал за българските средни предприятия за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19
Бенефициент: "ВОЯ ФАШИОН" ООД
Обща стойност: 150 000 лв., от които 127 500 лв. европейско и 22 500 лв. национално съфинансиране. Начало: 10.02.2021 г. Край: 10.05.2021 г.